Monday 27 April 2015

Final contents page

Final magazine cover

Double page spread writing ideas

When i got the style for my title i then had to choose what colour to put my first letter as because that was going to be my stand out letter.

I thought that maybe the first letter should be the same colours the background blocks on the page but when i did it, the colours just clashed and made the page look boring and colourless.

So i then decided to go for a deeper and darker pink but it again didn't look right, it was still to pink and the colours clashed worse with the rest of the page.

so i decided to try the colour i used in my contents page, a dark blue, in preferred this so much more it bought the page together and make it look colourful when the page is all put together

i then decided that having the bit of colour with the letter wasn't enough i need more colour on the page, so i thought that changing the colour of every other paragraph would look better and it did, it added a slight amount of colour to the page without it over powering the rest of the writing or the background.
The box is where i will add a picture.
I then thought that the colour should have another amount of colour so i added a symbol at the top to make the colour of the page more powerful and it also highlights that this would be the main focus of my magazine.

Double page spread background edits

 For my double page spread I based the design around the the magazine I used as inspiration, I have used colours similar to the background colour on my home page. the colour is slightly darker but works better with my contents page. My title and quote are made bigger than the rest of the story to make it more eye-catching and to make it stand out.

This one I did change because i felt that the title was to small, not bold enough and didn't stand out enough for my magazine.

 I preferred this one because it stands out all more and looks a lot more together, the colours are bolder and it fits better on the page.

In the magazine I took inspiration from the one side of the magazine had writing on and the opposite sign only had a picture of the main focus of the article. On the side where there was just a picture it also had a label with the name if the group and the logo of the magazine, I have used this idea to tie my magazine together and make it look better

This is my finished background and writing ideas, I have changed the colours of some of the writing to make it look a lot more suited to the magazine it also adds colour and makes the article stand out a lot more.

Contents page edits - demi

 To make this picture fit the style of my website i had to crop out the background and brighten the colour of her face and the picture, the first thing i did was use the magnetic lasso tool to crop around the picture, i then used the quick edit to lighten my picture and this gave a nice effect to the colour of her skin and her face, i think this picture ties in perfectly to my magazine.

Contents page picture edits

 To these pictures all i did was edit the colour and lighting of the pictures, this made them fit better to my magazine style and helped to brighten up the page, on some of the pictures i blurred out imperfections and also cropped out some of the picture.

Monday 13 April 2015

Sub - story Picture Edits

 For this picture i tired to take the picture in a place that had more light but that meant it had a bad background, so i edited out the background and brightened and coloured the picture.
Here i used the crop tool to crop out the background and make the picture more presentable, i then used the burn tool tom add bait of colour to adams face and make him look more tanned, simply because the pop artists we see now tend to be more tanned.

Contents Page Sub-story edits

 For my magazine contents stories, i decided that one of them should be the main picture of my main picture, i went through my most favourite pictures and chose 2 that i felt would fit to y contents page.
I decided it should be a fun picture and thought that because my first picture was a serious photo shoot picture that the next one on my contents page should show the fun side to the group.
I thought this picture fits perfectly to the contents page but it is ever so slightly to dark and i have to decide which background it should go on as i didn't like the white.
 i did want to make the background the same kin dog colour as the background to my title but it didn't look right as a border, especially because if the harsh lines around it.
 So as you can see here i blurred out the lines so it fades in slightly to the picture
i then changed the colour of the border to make it more colourful but again it has harsh lines so again i blurred it out.

For my final picture i thought that the other designs to looked to childish to go with my contents page so i went back to my original background, upped the saturation and the brightness and changed the black background to a more neat type of background.

I thought this one looked better as it looked more professional and suited the story line.

Contents Page Main Picture Edits

My main picture was a picture taken of my friend and classmate Yasmin,

i asked her to wear posh and expensive looking clothes and do her makeup 'to the extreme' and it was just a bonus she had her hair braided with purple extensions, this picture was perfect for my main picture as it shows the sassiness in how she's stood but also makes it look like its a  photo shoot where a lot of photos are taken of her, this was perfect for the storyline of this picture.

I had to edit this picture as it was taken in a dark room and you couldn't really see her highlights in her hair, the original picture didn't look right with the type of magazine i have made.

i upped the brightness and saturation of the picture to make it look brighter and also to highlight the colours in her hair. i also cropped out the background and made it white so it is makes it look like a brighter picture.

This is the original picture that was taken and as you can see the lighting is dull and you can't really see he colour to her hair , also the background ames the picture look darker and looks untidy.
so i changed the picture to make it brighter and more colourful.

Here is where i cropped out the background and blurred the edges so the edge of the picture wasn't sharp and so it looks professional.

Here i have upped the saturation and brightness which makes the colour look more high quality and suits ym magazine to a more high standard, you can see the colour in her hair and you can see the makeup on her face more clear. This makes this picture more suited to my magazine .

Contents page background changes

For my contents page i took the inspiration from a 'We Love Pop' contents page, i looked at the design, the background, the amount of pictures, writing and the additional information like what was added in the magazine. Here is an example of the magazine i took inspiration from;

 As you can see this magazine contents page is very busy with the writing the pictures and the images, from this magazine cover i have taken a similar sort of design with a different cloud pattern and a different arrangement.

My first preview of my contents background is bait boring and all of the patterns tend to be the same colour, i took colour of the blocks in the background from my title. The background of my title is blue so i decided to take the colour pallet fro the 'Pop Life' title. the reason i eventually changed the colour of one of the blocks is because the background become boring and it doesn't contrast well with he rest of the colours that was put on the contents page.

Here is my first edit of my contents page, i didn't like this because it is boring, nothing was added on to this but instantly it looks doesn't look very 'popish' as the colours aren't vibrant enough.

I then filled in the gaps to the top box and around the title to see if it was that, that made the contents page look unfinished and unprofessional, but it still didn't sit right because the colour scheme didn't seem right.

So I thought it would look better if I changed the colour of one of the boxes to try and match the colour scheme abit more to the title, ones I did this the background of the contend page began to come together, the colours of the writing matched more to the background blocks and it look more like my inspiration contents page.

I have used the colours pink and blue from my title colour pallet i think these colours are vibrant and charismatic, they make the background of my contents page very age appropriate and eye-catching.

I then began to add the writing and the boxes for the pictures in and it looks a lot better than it first did with the first block colours i put on.
This one looks better because i put the subtitles pink and it goes wight hr blue block at the top it doesn't clash with the pink at the bottom or look to much.

I then added my subtitles and picture boxes using my inspiration layout form, this was an important part of the process as i had to make sure the page was full enough to look like a pop magazine but not to full to the point where it looked tacky and childish.

Here i added a picture of my main group from my front cover and i bough over the kind of story that was put on my front cover, this group will be featured in my double page spread on my front cover and on my contents page.

Here i added a picture than i made in the style that would suit the kind of story that i have made. i edited the picture to make it look more bright and colourful and also removed the background so it would suit my type of magazine.

Here i have added a lot more to my magazine, i have put in mu min picture and added bait more colour.

I added in green and yellow because i thought the magazine began to look boring and colourless, with these two colours added it makes the magazine pop and draw your eye to whee the most important sections are. I put the page numbers and description in yellow and green to make them more eye-catching and make people interested in the story. I also put the little bubbles in yellow and green to make the magazine seem like it is more interesting and filled with more gossip.

I also added extra boxes to show where the rest of my pictures will be added.

I added in y main picture, i made my classmate pose as if she was in a photo shoot to match the subtitle again, because this makes it seem like her pictures get used a lot, i made the photo a lot more colourful and bright also making sure you can see the purple added to her hair. i thin this picture fits perfectly and ties the contents page together.

  To this screenshot i added a picture of a girl called demi, i chose this picture because the colours on her top are bright and contrast with the colours on my magazine, also the way her face is gives her a sort of attitude which fits perfectly with the story i have added her to.

 Here i began to add the pictures to the bottom of my magazine, i chose these pictures because they're not to serious like my previous pictures, i decided to keep the background on my pictures to add more to the magazine and make it look less plain.
I also added a picture to the centre of my magazine which is a picture of a crowd at a concert, this picture seemed to fit well there and also gives another selling point to the magazine as it has information on an up-coming event.

This is what my contents page looks like with only one picture and pages numbers to be added to it, i have chosen to use a lot of colour along with very bright pictures. Also the band that was used in my front cover are the main feature of the contents page and the double page spread also.

This is my finished contents page.