Thursday 9 October 2014

TINA DIES - Coronation Street

  • At the start of the scene there is a close up aerial view of Tina laid in the hospital bed, this gives you a view of all of Tinas make up and what she is having done to her.
  • then it goes on to a crabbing shot moving between all of the people that have recently been with tine and shows you there reaction to what has happened to her.
  • the focus changes through the crabbing shot between 2 characters they are both close ups and both show the emotions of all.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

I have chosen to use this close up image of the character lincoln from the TV programme The 100.
this image is a close up of lincoln so it gives the feeling of tension and shows the emotion on his face.

Make up;
they have used make up on lincoln to make him look like a rough character. they have made it look like he has not washed in a while, he has been sleeping rough and he has been beaten.
He has blood on his face which is make up to show blood which shows he haas been attacked and beaten up.

he is wearing a dirty black t shirt which is ripped in multiple places, this shows again that he has no way to clean and he doesn't have many things to wear... it makes him look very rugged.

the lighting in the back of this is very dim this is because the idea is to make the scene seem dark and mysterious because he is begin tortured, the lighting is specifically on him because he is the main part of the scene.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Final Magazine Edit

This is my final design for my magazine.

For this magazine i shrunk down all of the pictures that i took in my lesson and changed them all to black and white, o some of them i up'd the contrast to make them brighter and more noticeable than others, the black and white background came from an effect that i put on one of the pictures,

one thing i think could be improved is the layout of the heading and slogan, for example to be able to see the writing, it has to be three different colours. it would be better if you could have one colour and read the writing.